How to deal with vape leaking?

Vaping is quite popular these days, but just like any other electronic devices, your vape gadget can sometimes encounter issues.

One common problem that vapers may face is vape leaking. Vape leaking occurs when e-liquid escapes from the tank or pod of the vape device and can be messy, inconvenient, and can affect the performance of the device. However, there are several steps you can take to deal with vape leaking effectively. In this article, we will discuss various ways to troubleshoot and prevent vape leaking.

Understand the Causes of Vape Leaking

Before we delve into the solutions, it's important to understand the common causes of vape leaking. By identifying the root cause, you can take appropriate measures to prevent it from happening in the future. Some of the common causes of vape leaking include:

Overfilling the Tank or Pod

Filling the tank or pod of your vape device beyond its maximum capacity can cause e-liquid to leak out of the airflow holes or mouthpiece.

Improper Assembly

Incorrectly assembling the vape device, such as not properly screwing the tank or pod onto the device, can cause leaks.

Faulty Coil or O-ring

A damaged or improperly installed coil or O-ring can result in vape leaking. The coil is responsible for vaporizing the e-liquid, and a faulty coil can lead to e-liquid leakage.

Changes in Temperature or Air Pressure

Rapid changes in temperature or air pressure, such as flying on an airplane or leaving the vape device in a hot car, can cause the e-liquid to expand and leak.

Thin E-liquid

E-liquids with high levels of propylene glycol (PG), which are thinner in consistency, are more prone to leaking compared to e-liquids with higher vegetable glycerin (VG) content, which are thicker.

Dealing with Vape Leaking

Once you have identified the cause of the vape leaking, you can take appropriate steps to deal with the issue.

Some effective ways to tackle vape leaking are:

Clean and Inspect Your Vape Device

Start by disassembling your vape device and cleaning all the components thoroughly. Pay close attention to the tank or pod, coil, and O-rings. Inspect the coil for any damage or signs of wear and tear, and replace it if necessary. Make sure the O-rings are properly seated and not damaged. Clean the airflow holes and mouthpiece as well to remove any e-liquid residue.

Properly Fill the Tank or Pod

Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to fill your vape tank or pod correctly. Avoid overfilling and leave some room for the e-liquid to expand. Close the tank or pod securely to create a proper seal.

Check for Proper Assembly

Ensure that all the components of your vape device, including the tank or pod, coil, and mouthpiece, are properly assembled and securely tightened. Make sure the coil is screwed in tightly, and the tank or pod is properly seated on the device.

Store Your Vape Device Properly

Avoid leaving your vape device in extreme temperatures or changes in air pressure. If you are traveling on an airplane, empty your tank or pod to prevent leaks due to changes in air pressure. Store your vape device in a cool, dry place to minimize the risk of vape leaking.

Use Thicker E-liquid

Consider using e-liquids with higher VG content, as they are thicker and less likely to leak compared to e-liquids with high PG content. Experiment with different e-liquids to find the one that works best for your vape device and style of vaping.

Replace Faulty Coils or O-rings

If you notice that the coil or O-ring is damaged or not properly installed, replace them immediately. Faulty coils or O-rings can cause vape leaking, and replacing them with new, authentic parts can help resolve the issue.

Avoid Over-tightening

While it's important to ensure that all components of your vape device are properly tightened, over-tightening can cause damage to the threads and O-rings, leading to leaks. Tighten the components snugly, but avoid excessive force that could result in damage.

Avoid Prolonged Inverted Position

Keeping your vape device in an inverted position for a prolonged period, such as storing it upside down or keeping it in your pocket with the mouthpiece facing downwards, can cause e-liquid to leak. Try to keep your vape device in an upright position as much as possible to prevent leaks.

Clean Your Airflow Holes

Over time, e-liquid residue and gunk can accumulate in the airflow holes of your vape device, leading to leaks. Regularly clean the airflow holes with a cotton swab or a clean cloth to ensure they are clear of any obstructions.

Follow Manufacturer's Guidelines

Different vape devices have different specifications and instructions from the manufacturer. It's important to read and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for your specific vape device to ensure proper operation and prevent leaks.

Avoid Pulling Too Hard

Taking excessively hard pulls or puffs from your vape device can create a negative pressure inside the tank or pod, causing e-liquid to flood the coil and eventually leak. Take smooth, moderate pulls to prevent this issue.

Keep Your Vape Device Vertical

When not in use, try to keep your vape device in a vertical position to prevent e-liquid from settling in the airflow holes or leaking out of the mouthpiece. This can help reduce the risk of vape leaking.

Bottom Line

Dealing with vape leaking requires proper maintenance, assembly, and usage of your vape device. Regular cleaning, proper filling, correct assembly, using appropriate e-liquids, and following the manufacturer's instructions are essential steps to prevent vape leaks. If you continue to experience vape leaking despite these efforts, it's recommended to consult the manufacturer or seek assistance from a knowledgeable vape retailer for further guidance or possible repairs.

Remember, safety should always be a priority when dealing with vape devices. Follow proper handling and storage procedures, safety should always be a priority when dealing with vape devices. Follow proper handling and storage procedures, and always use authentic and recommended parts for your vape device. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy a smooth and leak-free vaping experience.and always use authentic and recommended parts for your vape device. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy a smooth and leak-free vaping experience.

To get your high quality vape devices, head to Valgous and avoid all kinds of leaking issues!

Apr 18th 2023 Awais Bukhari

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